You may encounter an issue when attempting to run Send/Receive in ECM. For example, seeing an error such as "ECM Exchange registered as a service and cannot be started as an application". You may think that reapplying an MP may resolve this, but the service will tend to remain and you may still get the same error. So instead of performing a complete uninstallation/reinstallation of ECM you can simply uninstall and reinstall the service itself.
The following are command lines that can be performed to do such a task.
1. Go into a command prompt
2. Type in: sc stop EcmExchange20000
(20000 is the port that is defined in ECM Preferences, may vary)
3. Type in: sc delete ecmexchange20000
(make sure the services manager in Windows is closed.)
4. At the START>RUN window run
[drive]:\ecm\EcmExchange.exe -ws:100 -install
where [drive ] is the drive letter of the ECM installation
5. Back in the command window run type in:
sc start EcmExchange20000
Then after performing these steps, this would uninstall/reinstall the ECMExchange service to run correctly as needed to resolve the issue.